Imagine a future where everyone, regardless of their abilities, can enjoy life on equal terms. A world where every person is treated with respect and dignity, and where diversity and inclusion are the norm rather than the exception. That's the world I want to build, and you can contribute to that change.
We need a Change
Imagining an accessible and inclusive world for people with visual impairment allows us to reflect on the changes we have yet to implement in our society. I think this is possible through the promotion of accessibility and inclusion in all aspects of our lives. And why? Because all of us, at any time in our lives, will be in a condition of disability, either by the simple fact of getting older and suffering the ailments of old age in our body, or on account of other situations such as having an accident, undergoing surgery, suffering from an illness, among others; and if it has not happened to you, maybe this situation is being experienced by someone very close to you. We have to think about the future and be prepared, and leave a more empathetic world to future generations.
Although there is still a lot of work to be done to achieve a truly accessible and inclusive world, as a visually impaired person, I like to dream of a future where barriers to opportunities disappear for everyone. In this post I will describe what that ideal world could look like for me and other visually impaired people in various aspects of our daily lives.
An Accessible and Inclusive World in Action
Education and Work: In an inclusive future, schools, universities and workplaces will have assistive technologies and resources accessible to all people with visual impairments. In addition, education professionals and employers will be trained to meet our needs and ensure that we have autonomy and the same opportunities for success as our non-disabled peers.
Culture and entertainment: Theaters, cinemas and museums will systematically offer audio-description services and materials in Braille or accessible formats so that we can fully enjoy all cultural experiences. Accessibility will be a priority in the planning and design of public and private events, ensuring that we can participate equally.
Outdoor spaces: Parks, trails and recreational areas will be designed with accessibility in mind from the start. They will have uniform surfaces, tactile signage and directional guides on the ground to facilitate our orientation and mobility. In addition, accessible environmental education programs will be implemented to promote our enjoyment and appreciation of nature.
Communication and technology: All websites and applications will be designed following accessibility guidelines, ensuring that we can navigate and use online services with ease. Companies and organizations will take digital accessibility seriously, ensuring that their platforms and content are inclusive for all users.
Social life: Restaurants, cafes and other establishments will have Braille menus and trained staff to cater to our needs. In addition, inclusive social and sports activities will be promoted, fostering integration and diversity in our communities.
Public transportation: An inclusive world will ensure that all modes of transportation are accessible, with adapted vehicles, stations with tactile signage and accessible information systems, such as voice announcements indicating stops and routes.
Social awareness and attitude: In an ideal future, society at large will have greater understanding and empathy for people with visual impairments. Stigma and prejudice will be eliminated, and collaboration and solidarity among people of all abilities will be fostered.
In short, the future of inclusion and accessibility looks promising, but there is still much work to be done. This is where a consultant specializing in inclusion and accessibility can make a difference. As an expert in this field, I can help your organization better understand the needs of people with visual impairments and develop effective strategies to ensure that everyone is included and can fully access available resources and opportunities.
If you would like more information, or to hire a consultant specialized in inclusion and accessibility, do not hesitate to contact us. Together we can make this dream of a more accessible and inclusive world a reality.